Author: SamSecrets

My first teddy-bear was a giant Pink Panther and my first doll was a He-man toy, so when Filmation made She-ra – I just had to have everything She-ra! I think I still have one of those old sticker books that you could cut out and make a bedroom mobile with it, I just could never get all the stickers! I am proud to present my She-ra cosplay!

I’m a huge Studio Ghibli fan, their animated movies are beautiful, haunting and utterly brilliant. They have over 20 movies – and all are worth watching!! I am proud to present my No Face cosplay!

Spirited Away is a Japanese animation, released in 2001. It tells the tale of Chihiro, a little girl, who while moving to a new neighbourhood, accidentally enters the spirit world. Chihiro takes a job working in a witch’s bathhouse to find a way to free herself and her parents.